Saturday, May 9, 2009

First time visitors

One advantage to being at Arkansas Children's Hospital is that Brinley can now have visitors, when she was in the NICU at Willow Creek only her grandparents could see her but here anyone over the age of 14 can take a peek at her. Her Aunt Jeanne and Uncle John will get to see her today for the first time and she can't wait to see them and neither can we. Also her Great Grandpa and Grandma will be coming to see her again today. I just love showing her off to everyone, I'm hoping she's feeling good today and is a little less sensitive to touch and noise but I'm sure if I had pneumonia and a tube in my throat I wouldn't feel good either.

Yesterday Dr.Prince told us she has pneumonia of course when she came by to round on Brinley I was in the lactation room taking care of business so Brian asked her to come back by because he knew I'd have questions and boy did I! The diagnosis of pneumonia scared me to death Brian tried to explain to me what she had said but I just couldn't imagine pneumonia not being a serious diagnosis. When she came back to Brinley's isolete she said her pseudomonas that she's had in her lungs for a couple of weeks now has now turned into pneumonia she said it wasn't the bad kind of pneumonia that is in your blood stream that it's in her lungs and caused from the ventilator, they've added another antibiotic for her to take and within 7 days she should be all better. WHEW!!

Today Brian and I are moving from StudioPlus to Value Place, we can save about $80 a week by doing this. I hate to pack everything up but when your going to be here for 4-6 weeks every dollar adds up and over a months time we can save around $320, that's alot of money.


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