Thursday, November 25, 2010


I love Thanksgiving and the thankful spirit it generates in everyone! I wish we could keep the attitude of gratitude throughout the year, if we could do that wouldn't all of us be better off?
We had Thanksgiving dinner at my Papa & Granny's today with my side of the family. We had a ton of food, really way too much!
Do you ever feel guilty for the blessing you have been given? I do. When I looked around at all the food I had a sense of guilt come over me, I had more food in front of me today then some people have all year!
It's hard not to think about what all you have this time of year, I know God wants us to be happy he wants to bestow all his blessing upon his children.

I felt God tugging on my heart today! I felt a real desire to be doing something for someone else, I wish I would've allowed him to work in my life but instead I chose to ignore it.
I think I should have volunteered to work at Seven Hills, The Salvation Army or the NWA Food Bank today. I want to serve others and glorify God, I want to offer a heartfelt smile and a warm bowl of soup to a poor soul who has nothing. I truly want to get a glimpse of their life, I want to be an encouragement to them.. AHHH I should have!!
Obviously I have some regret about today, but I know that God will continue to work on me and the next time he knocks I must answer his call.

What I don't regret is spending time with my family! It's rare these days that all of us are able to stick around after Thanksgiving dinner, usually everyone has to take off to go to the next dinner but today was one of those days that almost everyone was able to spend the day at my grandparents just relaxing, catching up and playing games. I truly cherish these times with them.

 Brinley loves to help in the kitchen, anytime I'm cooking I've either got to pull her up a chair, sit her on the island or carry her on my hip. This is us making Chicken Pot Pie
 Brinley assisting with the Corn Casserole, she can't keep her fingers out of the bowl. Just like her Momma!!
 My Uncle Don and Brinley. Shhh! Brinley was just using him to get close to Jasmin (Black Chi)
 My wonderful Granny! What a blessing she is to our family, she's been cooking us Sunday Dinner every since I've been alive! She keeps her family together and strong!
 Brinley rarely looks at the camera anymore but I still thought it was a good picture
 My sweet little girl! Oh how I love her!!
 Oh Landon what are you up to sweet boy?
 My Cousin Whitney, her husband Clayton and Brinley oh yes and Jasmin!
 My wonderful Papa and Brinley, oh and Jasmin! Where ever Jasmin was you found Brinley!
 Grandpa and Brinley taking a nap after our big Thanksgiving Dinner!
 My cousin Heather and Brinley, unfortunately Brinley's preoccupied.
 Lauren and Brinley.
Sweet Matt, Heather's boyfriend and Brinley.

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