Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ambulance transfer FINALLY!

Brinley weighed 4lbs 6 ounces today I love her more with each passing second my heart is just filled with so many hopes and dreams for her and us. I just can't wait to bring her home, I just feel it getting nearer and nearer and I get so anxious and my mind just runs wild with all the things I'm going to be able to do with her. Top on my list is just to hold her for endless hours and kiss her sweet face and I've just been dying to kiss her little toes too! I've already noticed I am really selfish with her, I know I have to share her but I just really want her all to myself. It's funny that I'm talking about it getting closer to time for her to come home when she's actually going a further distance away right now. We are on Interstate 540 following a Angels One ambulance to Children's Hospital in Little Rock, the decision was made Thursday to fly her to St.Louis Children's hospital on Friday morning but because of the storms they couldn't fly in, the re-evaluated the flight 3 times on Friday and then they called it off and rescheduled for this morning but the weather hasn't improved any so they couldn't fly in again today. Dr.Linn really wanted her to be transferred today and didn't want to wait another day to pass because her Chest x-ray didn't look great and her blood gas wasn't good either. He called Children's Hospital in Little Rock and asked if they could fly down and pick her up and they couldn't fly either because of the storms but they could do a ambulance transport so they arrived around 10pm tonight and we are right behind her in our car. I had prepared myself yesterday morning for her transfer and when it didn't go through I was just devastated I just wanted it done and over with so I didn't have to worry about it anymore but he just wasn't meant to be. I cried earlier before Angel One arrived but Brian told me I needed to be strong and I think I was, I think it's pretty cool that I'm just right behind you that makes me a little more comfortable and I'm really looking forward to finding out what the specialist at Children's Hospital has to say about her. I'm praying that they agree with Dr.Linn's diagnosis and that nothing else is wrong.


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