Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Praying for a miracle

Brinley weighed 3lbs 14oz last night, I called Sara at 530am this morning to see how Brinley did through the night and she said it was very uneventful which is good news. Unfortunately when I got to the NICU this morning Dr.Linn talked with me for a long time because Brinley's blood gas wasn't good, he said he's going to give her until Friday and if things aren't better then he wants to transport her to The Children's Hospital in Little Rock or St.Louis for a 2nd opinion. He said Brinley isn't weaning off the vent and we've given her opportunity after opportunity to try and take her off but she hasn't been able to get off, he said he feels like it's more then likely because of her PDA and he feels PDA ligation should be performed. He also said that Brinley's case isn't black and white and it would make things easier if it were but she's kind of in the gray area because her signs aren't obvious that PDA ligation is necessary but he can't see any other reason why she can't wean off the vent. If things don't improve within the next 24 hours he would like for her to be transported on Friday and then let them observe and examine her for a few days and then make a decision as to whether to do the surgery or find out what else could be causing her these problems. I've just been sick all morning, I can't help it. I don't want her to have surgery I'm afraid of there being a problem on the helicopter when they transport her, I'm afraid that she won't wake up from the anesthesia ,I'm afraid that even after the surgery she won't be able to get off the vent but mostly I'm just scared and sad because I don't want her to have to go through this, it's just terrible and my heart is just broken and I can't quit crying. I'm just praying for a miracle over the next 24 hours, that some how her oxygen level will rise up and she will be able to get off the vent and onto a CPAP machine. Please if you are reading this please pray for her. On top of all of this Dr.Linn gave me the results of Dr.Henry's eye exam yesterday and Brinley does have ROP, Dr.Henry said it was stage 1 which is actually the lowest stage so that's good news I guess we'll have to wait until her next eye exam to learn more. He had a really hard time evaluating her since she is on the oscillatory ventilator and it vibrates her plus he was running late so the dilation medicine they put in her eyes had kind of worn off. I'm not to worried about it because sometimes ignorance is bliss, and I just know it has to do with visual impairment and blindness but since it's stage 1 I know that's a good thing. No ROP at all would be best but we didn't get that lucky..
Also I dropped my camera AGAIN this morning and now it's not taking pictures, I'm going to have Brian look at it when he gets home but I'm thinking this time it might be broken for good. When I told Brian I dropped it again, he asked if I did it on purpose. Ha!. I do want a new camera but only because I dropped it a couple weeks ago and the review button and the zoom no longer worked but I've still been using it because I didn't really want to dish out $200 on a new one but we can't not have a camera right now so if Brian can't fix it then I'm going to buy a new one later tonight.
Please pray for Brinley to get off the ventilator and please pray for strength for me and Brian, we are really devastated right now.


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