Monday, April 27, 2009

Willow Creek Inn

Since my last post I lost my room at Willow Creek so now I'm no longer "Rooming In". I was fortunate that I got to stay until Brinley was 6 weeks old, of course I cried when they came and told me but I had to remind myself how far Brinley has come since she was born. At least now I know we'll be bringing her home, she is now up to 3 pounds 13 ounces, and I've established trust with all the nurses in the NICU. So it was much easier to leave Thursday night then it would've been 6 weeks ago.

Brinley was put back on the ventilator Thursday night, she was actually maintaining on the CPAP vent but her chest x-ray showed her left lung to be completely whited out and Dr.Wagle felt there was no way she'd be able to maintain it long term so it was best to put her back on the vent and let her body rest and heal and make a go at putting her on a traditional CPAP sometime this week. Dr.Wagle said her sputum culture had come back and revealed she has Pseudomonas, Dr.Wagle said it was very common for anyone who is on the vent for a long period of time to get this bacteria in their lungs because it stays wet and damp. He started her on Vacamyacin and feels confident that it will kill the bacteria and also prevent her from developing ventilator associated pneumonia.
My sister made Brinley this sweet little flower headband, I thought it was to cute..

Last night when we got back to the NICU the nurse had removed Brinley feeding tube from her throat and put it in her nose, I knew whenever they started introducing her to the bottle and breast feeding that the tube would be moved to the nose I don't know if this means we're getting close or if it was because she just wanted to give her mouth a rest since she already has the ventilator tube in it. I choose to believe it's because we are getting close to the time that they're going to start offering her a bottle Oh I pray this is true...I know they won't be able to feed her a bottle until she gets off the vent, but I'm hopeful that will happen this week.My sister made Brinley this cute little Tutu, I can't wait to put her in it. Thank you Aunt Christy.Her and her friend Amber also made Brinley this sweet little pillow case dress, I love it I think it's just precious.


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