Thursday, April 23, 2009

Coincidence? I think not...

This morning I sent a email to our family and friends asking them to pray for Brinley to get off the ventilator and onto a CPAP machine. When I got up to the NICU there was a new face at Brinley's bed, turns out he was an expert on the ventilator that Brinley's on. He was talking with the Respiratory therapist and Dr.Wagle about Brinley and then they started adjusted the depth of her ventilator tube and pushing buttons on her ventilator machine, and within 30 minutes Dr.Wagle came to me and said "she's now on CPAP" It was like God saying ask and you shall receive. I asked how can that be she still has the ventilator tube down her throat and he said it's a more invasive CPAP but she's doing all the breathing on her own. WOW!! I'm so happy, she's only been on the CPAP for 2 hours now so there is a chance they'll have to go back to her old settings but for now things are looking really good. He said if she can tolerate this we will start lowering her settings every 12 hours, until she is stable enough to go to a regular CPAP. Things are looking really good right now, and I have faith that she'll continue to do good.


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