Friday, April 17, 2009

Not in her little head

I got a call around 6:30am from Sarah to let me know that Brinley's IV in her hand had infiltrated and the only place she could put her new one was in her head

This is the second time she's had to have an IV in her little head, I must tell you it really bothers me I just think it looks horrible. According to her nurse it's actually not as bad as it looks, she said there is less nerves in her head and it's ideal because it gives their little hands and feet a break and you don't have to worry about positioning.

Brinley had a good day today, she got restless a few times and they had to sedate her but other then that she is basically sleeping and trying to kick this horrible infection she has. She's still on the ventilator with about 30% oxygen and 50 bpm, they took more blood today for a second culture so far her culture from Wednesday hasn't grown anything they said they couldn't say it was for sure negative until 72 hours which will be at 3:30pm tomorrow. I'm ready for this battle to be over, I want her to open her little eyes and smile at me and I really want to hold he it's been over 9 days now since I last held her. Boo!

We went home this afternoon and washed laundry and on our way back up to the hospital around 7:30pm we say a perfect rainbow, we actually saw 2 rainbows one was perfect and the other was just a partial it was BEAUTIFUL! We actually stopped the car and got out to look at it, Brian said " look honey I think it's right over Willow Creek NICU" I almost cried. Sometimes things like that happen and you feel like it's a sign from God saying "everything going to be alright" that's how it made me feel today. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me so I'm not able to show you pictures you'll just have to take my word on it, it was magical.

Thank you Jesus for giving me this precious baby, she's more then I could've ever of dreamed of. Brian gets so excited (and a little annoying) because everyone that sees her says "she looks just like you" UGH!! I hope she has my curly hair...


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