Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Brinley's stubborn infection

Brinley's culture came back positive again today, she hasn't changed much since yesterday they're keeping her pretty sedated so she doesn't move very much. I'm glad they're keeping her sedated I just want her to sleep through all of this and wake up better. Dr.Linn stopped her breast milk today, she was only getting 1cc just enough to keep her intestines stimulated but she wasn't tolerating it so he decided just to stop it. She had to get more platelets today, her count was once again low. It's very hard not to get discouraged and it's even harder to not let your mind wonder if something else is going on or if there is something you should be doing. I just don't know... Brian and I have kept strong by just imaging the day we're able to bring her home, we just know that after the infection clears up she's just going to take off like a rocket and grow big and strong and get to come home before they even expect her too..

I went to a resale shop today during lunch it's called 9 months later and it's in Lowell, I bought Brinley 3 really cute little outfits. I not much of a digger so if it's not easy to find I'm not going to dig through racks of close to find an outfit. This shop is fairly organized 10 times better then most resale shops I've been in. If your in the area you should check it out, they've got cribs, bedding, clothes, etc


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